24 hours unplugged #digital detox

When was the last time you gave yourself 24 hours off?

Free from your computer, your phone (and your tablet)?
Switched off the router for 24 hours?
Free from external impulses… without a to-do list, emails, films, music, text messages, news threads, …
A matrix break. Maybe bake real cookies? 😉

A client recently asked me about the topic of “digital detox”.
I felt a curiosity and a longing in me:
How does that feel? So completely without?
What used to be normal is almost unimaginable today?
All day my energy just for me, my immediate environment, my emotions, thoughts…

And then I tried it. When I was home alone one day.

And it felt so good!
And it was interesting.

The usual impulses also surfaced: to check emails, turn on music, enter something in my calendar, maybe check something on Ecosia, or watch a trailer, …
– trace, check: no, it also works without.
Writing a note on paper is okay.
Otherwise: it also works without checking, listening, checking, logging in…

And the exciting thing: where does the energy go?

What would you do if you were unplugged for 24 hours? And without a to-do list! 😉

Maybe that makes you curious too?
Does it bring you closer? To what? What would happen?

You can feel what feelings come up, just by imagining it. And why?

What would happen for you if you gave yourself the freedom to follow your impulses for a day…

If it feels curious to you in a loving way.. Have fun with this experiment!

Impulsgespräch I Entfaltungsort

Impulsgespräch I Entfaltungsort

impulse, die wirklich verändern praktische impulse, die bereits geholfen haben

Impulsbrief I Entfaltungort

Buch: Konflikte führen (affiliate link)

Online Kurs: Das ultimative Rezept für eine glückliche Beziehung

Online Kurs: Erfüllte Paarbeziehung “trotz” Elternschaft


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