Be in a super good mood – in realistic jumps please!


Self-help gurus sometimes give the impression that we can jump from dejected to totally enthusiastic – with just one question!

So even if I agree, of course, that intensive changes are possible and much quicker than most people realize…

If we’re feeling bad at the moment and we tell ourselves that we can sort it out ourselves and that we “should” be fine, that usually doesn’t help much.

And even the question: “What would make me happy now?” – can feel like sheer mockery.

For real change, it is relevant to consider where we are starting from emotionally.
So today I would like to present 3 different questions for improving your own state of mind:

When we’re feeling really down, this question helps:

What would make my situation a little less sh… ?

Sometimes this question also activates helpful black humor 😉
Telephone jokers are also always particularly helpful when we are on the verge of banging our head against the wall.

When we’re not quite on the ground:

What would give me relief now?

Relief often feels much more realistic and tangible if we are not feeling particularly well. And as a result, we often actually come up with helpful ideas that we wouldn’t have if we were directly trying to “reach for the stars”.

And when we are doing quite well:

What would make me happy now?

Of course, each of us also can use individual questions that are very powerful and can guide us towards our goals.

These can be questions such as:

How can I live my natural abilities even more successfully?
How can I celebrate my femininity / masculinity even more?
How can I make my relationship really happy?
How can I become successful without burning out?

If you like, I invite you to find your current powerful question:

Invitation to your current powerful question (free impulse talk)

PS: Do you know anyone who might also be interested in this? Then feel free to forward this email. I would be happy if as many people as possible can use this knowledge for themselves! 🙂

Thanks for the pic to AI!


Impulsgespräch I Entfaltungsort

Impulsgespräch I Entfaltungsort

impulse, die wirklich verändern praktische impulse, die bereits geholfen haben

Impulsbrief I Entfaltungort

Buch: Konflikte führen (affiliate link)

Online Kurs: Das ultimative Rezept für eine glückliche Beziehung

Online Kurs: Erfüllte Paarbeziehung “trotz” Elternschaft


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