ENVY – where our gold is buried!

ENVY – where our gold is buried!

Why this is the case and how we get there: When we want something and don’t (fully) admit it to ourselves because at the same time we believe (usually unconsciously) that we can’t have it… this unpleasant, nasty feeling arises in our body…...
Are you innocent?

Are you innocent?

You are innocent. Feels WRONG? These are the reasons and ways to change it: As children we were often judged, condemned and shamed by our attachment figures. -Not out of bad intentions, but out of inability and not knowing better. But what does that entail? We...
We must allow anger, hate, envy and revenge!

We must allow anger, hate, envy and revenge!

We have to allow ourselves the full range of emotions (internally)! Otherwise we are dangerous for our fellow human beings! Why? Because as humans we carry all emotions as responses to situations and memories and these can be activated. But if we pretend that we never...