Growth has always inspired me – professional passion since 2006
Education & Qualifications
Studies & Training
- Graduate Psychologist
- Certified therapist, three-year training
- Practitioner applied communication techniques and change models
- Practitioner NLP
- „Konflikte führen: Die 5-Punkte-Methode für konstruktive Konfliktkommunikation“ Business Village, Verlag für die Wirtschaft, 2013
Additional qualifications
- Voice and body perception in coaching processes
- System Constellations
- Mental training
- Deepening change models
- Attachment theories
- Advanced NLP
- Basic shamanic training
Special Ability: Clairvoyance
Personal Life
Additionally to my job, my family is the most important thing to me. I am a mother of two children, which give me new perspectives on the world.
And it fascinates me personally to keep growing, to connect deeply and to keep exploring what wonderful things are possible for us humans.

My story
I was very fortunate to know already in my youth what my purpose in life is: to be happy myself, to support others, to be happy and to learn everything necessary to do so. And all three still keep me busy!
Personal challenges followed that taught me compassion and humility. Experiencing deep pain is something you don’t wish on anyone. But anyone who has consciously encountered it can feel more deeply, experience others respectfully and accompany others in pain lovingly.
I have had the honor of inspiring more than 2400 clients in trainings, coachings and workshops since 2006 and leading them to practical solutions. -And then to learn or experience how clients could solve problems that previously seemed difficult, master new challenges or bring more ease and joy into their lives is one of my greatest gifts.
Waves of life
In my life I have already experienced many waves – in the sense of emotional experiences. And I am familiar with experiencing great joy, but also experiencing painful emotions and letting them heal.
I am also happy to be there for you if you want to process experiences and would like support for your process. It is easy for me to accompany and feel you deeply during the process and to hold your hand with my understanding and my presence and to give you security to feel and integrate your waves of emotions and experiences.
It is a great honor for me to be able to accompany people in this way.